Category: Philosophy

  • When a Sage Comes Along

    As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Imagine a group of people awaiting and praying for a hero to arise from within their group in order to help them overcome serious challenges. The sage is a kind of Batman or superhero, who at last comes to answer his people’s longings for him.  Sages…

  • Forget Tesla, Chat GPT, Quantum Computing, and All the Rest, the Next and Final Disruptive Tech Will Be Community.

    Big bold statement? Far fetched answer to modern dilemas like commuter polution (Global warming and all its problems), loneliness, anxiety, feeling lost or disconnected? Maybe, the thing is, this is a solution, not the sole one. Think about that, this will help, greatly so, but not cure our modern problems. What makes people go on…

  • Why the Shurangama Mantra Matters

    It’s said, that if only one person can recite from memory the Shurangama mantra then it is enough to keep the armies of demons, evils ghosts, goblins, spirits from taking over the earth and creating a mess on our planet; It’s the one mantra they respect!  Shakyamuni Buddha taught this mantra and made known the…

  • Pacing Ourselves Towards the Dao, with Sincerity in Heart.

    There is a Japanese zen saying that goes something like, “With sincerity, the Dao can be reached within 3 Lifetimes.”  I call it the Trotters path.  A lot of sincere practitioners beat themselves up so much for not being a Buddha or conducting themselves Perfectly in life, and they truly struggle on their journey. Sincere…

  • Intergalactic Conquistadores! The Global Emergency We Didn’t See Coming.

    Well, some people did, but we call these people misfits, outcasts, comic book geeks, and, are people best left alone to figure things out until they finally think like the rest of Humanity. What’s this Global emergency?  It’s a Hostile take over attempt by a planet with far more advanced technology in need of resources…

  • Maslow Meets Bernie Sanders

    You ever wonder why this American project which aims at the “American Dream” without first addressing the American condition feels like its doomed to fail?  You’re not alone.  See the way I see it is unless you’re taking a look at science and what the data shows about people, human behavior, and how a sustainable…

  • God’s Green Earth: A Monotheist’s Guide to Success

    A lot of my readers are of the monotheistic religion meaning they go to church, mosque, or synoguoge or are recommended to by their religious books or leaders.  I too once belonged to one of these three faiths and grappled with how to live a Christian life in the midst of so many ideas of…

  • My Mind Gym

    So you want to train in martial arts or want to join a gym and get buff but don’t have the time or the money?  Great this is an article just for you.  According to neuroscientific research using your mind to visualize yourself exercising can increase strength close to the same amounts you can get…

  • Writing and The Elements of Style by William Strunk and E.B. White

    If you’re young and wonder what every great writer reads in order to officially or unofficially introduce himself to the world of words this is it.  If you really understand this book you are half way there, now all you need to do is experience life a little and start writing.  I know, what do…

  • Life Matters

    In today’s post I want to address a deep problem humanity has faced since it began.  Nihilism and the Nihilist.  The belief that life doesn’t matter. The problem is this way of thinking defeats itself.  The nihilist derives pleasure or meaning, fulfillment from this philosophy.  In order for this philosophy to exist there must have…

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