When a Sage Comes Along

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Imagine a group of people awaiting and praying for a hero to arise from within their group in order to help them overcome serious challenges. The sage is a kind of Batman or superhero, who at last comes to answer his people’s longings for him. 

Sages are individuals so adequately equipped with smarts and know how that they are able to culturally uplift their country to its highest potentials; potentials unmatched by anything ever seen in the country’s history! A person like this has never appeared in North America, but has in places like India and China! I’m not talking about a mere charismatic person, a super intelligent being, or a great communicator; what I’m referring to is a person born with all these qualities and a lot more! In addition to the above attributes these magnificent beings exude a coolness that enable them to get along with others with ease and swagger. Further, they’re able to scientifically and diplomatically resolve most issues facing them. 

Are we deserving of such a culturally uplifting force? I’m not sure, but what I’m more sure of is that many factors seem to be pointing to such a person wanting to be born here! 

Sages choose to be born into countries and at times when things are falling apart. This is done out of compassion, to help the country, in its time of most need. Also born out of compassion is a desire for the country to share in his birth, life, and eventual passing away; hopefully to be remembered for a next time!

There is no single way to describe a sage because in each country he’s born into he speaks and behaves in the way his people understand. India and China are not the USA, so a sage here will be different; maybe he’ll use more business and technology to solve our problems (Think, a benevolent and wise Jeff Bezos). One thing seems certain, he’ll know about the 5 knowledges I mention in previous posts consisting of: cultivation/ religion, health/ medicine, psychology, business, and technology.

Can such a force assist in making America the best version of itself? Time will only tell whether people understand the blessing a sage can be for their country, and whether the concept is something they’ll appreciate. Sages are a blessing, and we should appreciate how lucky we are to have one choose us. In America, this a new concept, so as I introduce it, I exercise caution.

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